Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday/FYI:  Home/New Knoxville/Ohio
We've spent most of the afternoon unpacking and gearing the house back up after it's been sitting idle for months and months.  Except for having no gas hook-up (gas company's bad, not ours) everything seems to be working well. 
Today marked the actual end of our journey to Alaska and back....and the final posting of Traveling on.....2012.  Safe and happy trails to you all....wherever your journey leads you.

See trip stats on Sunday's post.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Oasis RV Park/Joliet/Illinois
Live streaming/OBMCC
We have the privilege to tune in to our own church and again have taken advantage of that opportunity this morning.
Ryan joined us here at the campground later this afternoon and we said our goodbyes.  Tomorrow morning, we anticipate leaving Chicago and doing part of the final leg of our journey back to our hometown in Ohio. 

Stan has kept a good record of our traveling stats....we've posted a few below.  Thanks so much for checking in on the journal....it was fun taking photos and documenting my observations, knowing that there was someone there who would enjoy it along with us.  Traveling together on such a scale has been great fun and an engaging adventure for us...it's like nothing we've experienced as a couple before in our RVing history.  For us, it has been the trip of a lifetime.  We are so glad we went and now will also be glad to return home.  Thanks for coming along with us, and God bless! 
Pat and Stan

Just to clarify:
(We left with our RV from Ohio in October, traveling to Virginia and then on to Florida before the winter weather.  We camped in Florida until March, at which time we began our journey west to California, then north up the west coast, through Canada and finally into Alaska, then returning through Canada and the northern US states, returning to Ohio in September.)

Our traveling stats for 2011/2012:
Motor home miles driven since we left Ohio last October: 14,210
Total touring Jeep miles since we left in October: 9,972
Camping locations since we left in October: 89

Oasis RV Park/Joliet/Illinois
Cubs vs. Giants/Wrigley Field
This morning we drove to Ryan's apartment in Chicago to have a little time with Natalie and him before we headed out to the ballpark.  He and Natalie had tickets for us all to the Cubs game....so we were hoping for a good weather day, since there was an overcast sky and they were predicting a possibility of a rain shower in the afternoon. 

First they took us to Uncommon Ground for brunch.  This was one of Ryan's work places during his college years.  It was my kind of place, since they focus on fresh ingredients plus it has an artsy feel with live music on weekends and rotating art work.  Evidently they have their act together, since the place was packed.  In fact, it has expanded since he was there...they bought out an adjoining property and added on.

After that, we left for Wrigley's Field (just a block or so away) and settled in some good seats down front.   Good news...the weather held off the entire game...bad news....our struggling Cubs lost...5 to 2.  Even though we would have liked to see them win, the game still had it's exciting moments with a home run for the Cubs and some interesting plays.....so I think a good time was had by all.

Back to Ryan's apartment for a break and then over to The Cheesecake Factory where we all enjoyed a nice meal and....what else.....ummmm.....cheesecake!  What a fun day and a good visit we had with them...these times make special memories.
Photos under Illinois/Wisconsin/Minnesota/Iowa