Drive from Coos Bay to Lincoln City/ Hwy 101/Oregon

Dock in River by our Campsite/Cyote RV Park/Oregon

Ad for Fishing in River Back of our RV /Cyote RV Park/Oregon
Oregon Dunes Highway 101
Pat at the dunes along Hwy 101/Oregon
The Dunes/Hwy 101/Oregon
Pacific beach along Hwy 101/Oregon
Yet another beautiful view/Hwy 101/Oregon
Marshland Wildlife Preserve along Hwy 101/Oregon
Goldenrod and the Pacific/Hwy 101/Oregon
A pathway to an overview of the Pacific/Hwy 101/Oregon
An impressive handmade RV/Roadside stop/Hwy 101/Oregon
Beautiful view/Hwy 101/Oregon
Stan on a high hill/Overview of Pacific/Hwy 101/Oregon
Stop along Hwy 101/Oregon
Hwy 101/Along Oregon Coastline
Overlooking the Pacific/Stop along Hwy 101/Oregon

We both had to laugh at a Mexican Place named Oscar's

Ice Cream Break/Along Hwy 101/Oregon

A Tourist Town along Hwy 101/Oregon
 A Tourist Town along Hwy 101/Oregon